Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Shirley Temple EvilDoll

My mother  had a large Shirley Temple doll when she was little whose eyes she says followed her, literally. She hated that doll, and it ended up buried somewhere, only to resurface when she was much older. She would not tell me the rest of the story until I begged her, and made me promise not to ask my aunt about it, and to not mention it again after she told me.
She gave the doll to my cousin. Why she did this, I can't imagine. She says that she had convinced herself that she was imagining things as a child herself, but seriously?
Anyway, my cousin is playing with the doll one day, when my aunt comes in and finds the doll TALKING to my cousin. So, she promptly freaks the fuck out, and takes the doll away. My uncle buried it, in pieces, as it continued to laugh up a storm.
That shit is evil.
I asked my aunt about it (against my mom's wishes), and she simply said, "I don't want to talk about it.

             story from  jezebel.com

Sunday, May 19, 2013

pinocchio on hagimit samal island

Yes , you're  right it was Photoshopped. I googled this pic and edit her nose that's because this is exactly what I saw from a real picture handed to me from my wife's friend 10 years ago.I was surprise at that time when I saw the picture. Questions aroused on my mind like is the man who took the picture moved? or the object being taken moved? but why only the nose how come its  the only area  affected after taken the shot. Another question is... Is it done by the dwarfs(dwende) being disturbed by people swimming. Hagimit on that time was not still developed well, there's no entrance fee and the likes, all you can see are trees surrounding the areas, people just come and go on that place. To tell you  honestly I never saw a picture like it even until now, even on the internet. Have you seen one? 

Hagimit falls, Samal Island Davao Philippines

Unknown white Object

Has anyone experience unnatural things? I will share this to you my personal experience during my childhood days. I was I guess 10 years old at the time when I and my sister went on an exercise on the basketball court
in our village. The said court is not that far from our home, I think it just about 300 meters but by there we can't see our home  because there are lot of houses. The basketball court I was talking is located on an open field the nearest house I guess is about 50 meters along the road. One day when I and my sister were playing  basketball on the court about 4.00 am in early morning
I observe a ball of light come out from the trees, its about a size a standard baketball. It flies  slowly from left to right. My sister also noticed it. She told me Whats that thing brother? I said I don't know. When the ball of light  reaches on the top of the church it changes direction, this time it goes up and moves faster  and gone. Until now I still don't know what I and my sister saw that day. This event happened on Forest Drive Village Bislig Surigao del Sur Philippines

Top View Forest Drive village
St. Joseph the Worker parish Church

Friday, May 17, 2013

Extraordinary and beautiful examples of toroidal vortices

Extraordinary and beautiful examples of toroidal vortices produced by dolphins, beluga whales, humpback whales, volcanoes, hydrogen/atomic bombs, and Man.

A toroidal vortex, also called a vortex ring, is a region of rotating fluid moving through the same or different fluid where the flow pattern takes on a toroidal (doughnut) shape. The movement of the fluid is about the poloidal or circular axis of the doughnut, in a twisting vortex motion. Examples of this phenomenon are a smoke ring or a microburst. Vortex rings were first mathematically analysed by the German physicist Hermann von Helmholtz, in his paper of 1867 On Integrals of the Hydrodynamical Equations which Express Vortex-motion Smoke rings have probably been observed since antiquity since they can easily be blown from the mouth.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Gateway to God or to Hell? Strange phenomenon in Moscow!

Absolutely appearance was filmed Tuesday in Moscow. In no time did the tour internet and stirred various reactions.
Some compare the phenomenon with celestial appearances before the alien invasion of the U.S. blockbuster "The Independence Day". 

Others, on the other hand, are convinced that aliens are already among us, so the phenomenon can be caused only by ... gravitational effect of the mother ship. 

Then the fans of "Stargate", which are convinced that we are dealing with a so-called wormhole, a gateway to another world or to another era. 

Some would put his hand on fire that is just a sonic bang. That though is not the vertical trajectory looks nothing like the flight of a supersonic plane, while many other voices swore that brings the black hole, as, say some, could form behind the experiment in Geneva. 


The World's Best Parkour and Freerunning 2012

The Most Amazing Optical Illusions on the Internet

Your mind will explode when we show you all the best optical illusions on the internet

Friday, May 10, 2013

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Cool Card Magic Illusion

A card chosen by a spectator is signed on the face, and an X is drawn in each corner of the back. IN FULL VIEW the magician slides the ink of one X across to join its buddy in the top corner - as if the laws of physics just don't apply. 

This is repeated with the remaining two X's, while the spectator watches from just inches away. With a spin, the now permanently changed card is handed out for examination - a souvenir that they can keep.

Leave your mark with this stunningly visual effect.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

This Week's 'Ring of Fire' Solar Eclipse: What You Need to Know

 On Thursday and Friday (May 9 and 10), skywatchers in parts of Australia and the Pacific region will be treated to a spectacular "ring of fire" solar eclipse, in which the moon blots out all of the sun except for its outer edge.
Here's what you need to know about this stunning skywatching event, which is also known as an annular solar eclipse.
What is an annular eclipse?
The orbit of the Earth around the sun is an ellipse, not a circle. This means that sometimes Earth is closer to the sun than at others. The same goes for the moon's orbit around Earth, which is also elliptical rather than circular. [See Spectacular Photos of a 'Ring of Fire' Solar Eclipse]
We are fortunate to live in a time when the sun and the moon are very close to the same apparent size in our sky. This is an illusion of perspective: The moon is small (2,159 miles wide, or 3,475 kilometers) and close by (238,855 miles away, or 384,400 km) while the sun is large (865,278 miles wide, or 1,392,530 km) and far away (92,955,808 miles, or 149,597,872 km)
Notice that the sun is about 400 times larger than the moon in diameter. It is also about 389 times farther away. This explains why the two appear to be almost the same size in the sky. But "almost" is not exact, which explains why there are different kinds of solar eclipses — partial and total.  
Distances in the sky are measured in angles, 360 degrees making up a full circle. Both the sun and the moon appear to be just slightly more than half a degree in diameter.
Degrees are divided into 60 arcminutes. The exact size of the sun varies from 33 arcminutes when it is closest to the Earth on Jan. 2 to 31 arcminutes when it is farthest from the Earth on July 5. On May 10, it will be 32 arc minutes in diameter.
Over the course of a month, the moon' size also varies. On April 27, it was at its closest to Earth and appeared to be 33 arcminutes in diameter. If an eclipse had occurred on that day, the moon would have covered the sun completely, and we would have had a total eclipse.
On May 10, the moon will appear to be 30 arcminutes in diameter, since it is only a few days away from its farthest retreat from Earth, which occurs on May 13. A 30-arcminute moon doesn't quite cover a 32-arcminute sun, so the sun peeks out as a ring all around the moon. "Annular" is Latin for "ring," so the resulting event is called an annular eclipse. [How to Safely Observe the Sun (Infographic)]
Astronomers tend not to get as excited about an annular eclipse as they do about a total eclipse. Because the moon doesn't cover the sun completely, you don’t see the prominences and outer solar atmosphere, which are the most exciting parts of a total eclipse.
Thus I was quite surprised by the annular eclipse I observed from Toronto exactly 19 years ago, on May 10, 1994. Having observed a total eclipse in the past, I wasn't expecting much from this annular eclipse, yet I found it to be a very powerful emotional experience.
Even though 5 percent of the sun was still peeking around the moon, it had the same ominous feel as a total eclipse, much more so than the several partial eclipses I've witnessed. Seeing the "ring of fire" around the moon is far more impressive than seeing only part of the sun covered.
Where to see it
Unfortunately, very few people will get to see this annular eclipse, as its path travels over some of the most remote and unpopulated parts of the Earth.
The eclipse begins at sunrise over the wilderness of Western Australia. It then sweeps over the similarly empty Northern Territory and continues across northern Queensland, far to the north of the city of Cairns, where many people witnessed last year's total eclipse.
Only a few roads intersect the eclipse path. This path crosses the Coral Sea and touches the eastern end of Papua New Guinea, then crosses through the middle of the Solomon Islands. From there, the path neatly avoids just about every island in the south Pacific except for Tarawa and Fanning Islands, both part of the Republic of Kiribati, formerly known as the Gilbert Islands.
Although few people will see the complete annular eclipse, a much larger number will see it as a partial eclipse. This includes all of Australia, Papua New Guinea and the Hawaiian Islands, much of Indonesia, the Philippines and New Zealand.
Unfortunately the partial eclipse just misses being visible in North America, except just at sunset at the southern tip of Baja California. In Honolulu, maximum eclipse will be at 3:48 p.m. on May 9, when 32 percent of the sun will be hidden by the moon.
But anyone with a computer and an Internet connection will be able to catch a glimpse of the annular eclipse thanks to the online Slooh Space Camera. Slooh will air a webcast featuring expert commentary and views of the eclipse on Thursday starting at 5:30 p.m. EDT (2130 GMT). You can watch the broadcast live on SPACE.com.
How to observe it
For most people who may see this eclipse, it will be a partial eclipse. This is the most dangerous kind of eclipse, because people will be tempted to take quick glimpses of it without proper protection. DON'T DO IT! Looking directly at the sun is always dangerous and can cause permanent damage to your eyes.
There are two safe ways to view a solar eclipse. The first is with an approved solar filter. These can be purchased from telescope stores. The only safe equivalent is a #14 welder's glass. This is denser than the widely available #12, and it usually can only be found in dealers specializing in welding supplies.
The other safe viewing method is to use a large cardboard box to make a pinhole camera. Make a pinhole in one end of the box to act as the lens, and a large hole in the bottom of the box to stick your head through to view the image of the sun.
Natural pinhole cameras often are formed by gaps in window blinds or the spaces between leaves of trees. So don’t look at the sun — put your back to it and look instead at the ground in front of you.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Strange, Wonderous Deep Ocean

Deep Sea's 10 Most Amazing Creatures

Beautiful, bizarre or scary, here are ten alien-looking creatures from the depths...

The 10 Most Amazing Creatures from the Deep Sea (HD, 03/2013).
Like, comment, share and keep wondering at the World(s)!

Highest Mountain

Highest Mountain in the World

Mount Everest has some rivals!

Mount Everest: The "Highest Altitude"

Almost everyone knows that Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world and climbers from everywhere travel to Everest hoping to earn the distinction of climbing the "World's Highest".

The peak of Mount Everest is 8,850 meters (29,035 feet) above sea level. This high elevation gives Mount Everest the distinction of being the mountain with the highest altitude.

Mount Everest

Mauna Kea: The "Tallest Mountain"

Mauna Kea tallest mountain

Mauna Kea has an altitude of 4,205 meters (13,796 feet) - much lower than Mount Everest.
 However, Mauna Kea is an island and if the distance from the bottom of the
 nearby ocean floor to the peak of the island is measured,
then Mauna Kea is taller than Mount Everest.

Mauna Kea is over 10,000 meters tall compared to 8,848
 meters for Mount Everest - making it the world's tallest mountain.

Chimborazo:  "Highest Above Earth's Center"

Chimborazo in Ecuador has an altitude of 6,310 meters (20,703 feet). Mount Everest has a higher
altitude and Mauna Kea is "taller". However, Chimborazo has the distinction of being 

the highest mountain above Earth's center.

This is because Earth is not a sphere - it is an oblate spheroid.
 As an oblate spheroid, Earth is widest at its equator. Chimborazo
 is just one degree south of Earth's equator and at that location it is
 6,384 kilometers from Earth's center or about 2 kilometers farther from
 Earth's center than Mount Everest. 

Mauna Kea tallest mountain

Oldest People

Birth date
Death date
Place of death or residence
21 February 1875
4 August 1997
122 years, 164 days
24 September 1880
30 December 1999
119 years, 97 days
United States
16 July 1875
21 March 1993
117 years, 248 days
United States
29 August 1880
16 April 1998
117 years, 230 days
14 September 1889
27 August 2006
116 years, 347 days
18 January 1879
12 July 1995
116 years, 175 days
15 August 1890
11 December 2006
116 years, 118 days
United States
26 August 1896
4 December 2012[5]
116 years, 100 days
United States
19 April 1897
116 years, 13 days
6 March 1882
19 January 1998
115 years, 319 days
United States